The problem is simply finding the right person. Ask Plato. Just make sure she finishes your thoughts and you finish hers. That's all you need.

Elizabeth Kostova
About This Quote

The problem is simply finding the right person. The problem is finding the right person. Simple enough, but that’s not what’s important here. What’s important is that you don’t let the problem get in the way of finding the right person.

Think back to how you met her. You had a very specific goal in mind when you first met her, and you were able to successfully achieve your goal. She understood what you wanted, she followed through on your plan, and it worked out for both of you.

Now think about how she responded to your plan. She made it clear what she liked and didn’t like, and she made it clear that there was room for improvement. Perhaps she seemed just a little too eager to please, or perhaps her efforts weren’t quite what you had in mind, but there was room for improvement.

Maybe she just wasn’t the one for you after all; maybe it was time to move on. But there was still room for improvement; maybe it was time to find someone else who could follow through on your plan more effectively than this particular person could.

Source: The Swan Thieves

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